The Church: The Dean (Part14of15)

The Church: The Dean (Part14of15) December 16, 2015


*Though this is definitely outside of what I normally write, I’ve decided to publish a novella entitled “The Church.” From Nov. 30 to Dec. 15, I will be publishing the work of fiction in 15 parts. Each day, I will publish a part of the story of Christian and his quest to plant the largest progressive church in the world.  I will publish the entire work at the end.  Today, I’m publishing part 14 entitled “The Dean”  Enjoy!


The months turned into a year. Despite the fact that I was personally miserable, my presence at the Cathedral of the Swinging Dicks brought the people and their money back. Nobody wanted to see what happened ever happen again, so everyone put down their racism and transphobia and played nice. Hell, Angela became the most popular pastor at the Cathedral. As far as the leadership was concerned, all problems were solved. They weren’t for me. Angela and I were growing apart from each other. While I didn’t blame her, I quickly realized that she used me to get the gig she wanted. Now, Angela could stay at the Cathedral forever. Even though we went to counseling, nothing seemed to help. Though we were no longer sleeping in the same bed, I still loved her desperately. Part of our job was to assist the Cathedral in their search for a new pastor. After attending meeting after meeting and flying all over the world with the committee, we found our man.

Even though Rev. Dr. Charles Kingston was from Russia, our congregation thought that he was brought down from the Gods. With every step Kingston showed off his physique. With every sermon Kingston showed off his education. With every article of clothing Kingston showed off his fashion prowess. Kingston had it all and then some. We all knew that the community would love him. We were right. The congregation voted unanimously to call him as their pastor. I was there to congratulate him. I told him that his big swinging dick was just what was needed at the Cathedral of the Swinging Dicks. Kingston loved that compliment more than any he received all day. Leaving the service, I told him I would stop by his office later in the week to talk about our future work together. I wish I’d made an appointment.

When I walked up the steps, I was feeling better than I had in some time. Kingston was doing a great job and I really liked him. Plus, he wasn’t too hard on the eyes either. I was getting to do the work that I wanted to do. Nevertheless, I opened the door and got the surprise of my life. Right there in front of me, I could see Kingston’s tongue buried deep inside the crack of Angela’s ass. She was up on the table and he was licking as he stood on the floor. I knew what was going on. Both tried to explain, but I’d already seen enough. I never had a second thought. I was done with all of it. I resigned my job as Dean. I divorced Angela. I dropped Utopia. I quit everything. I never talked to any of them again. I was back where I started and it felt divine.

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