The God Beyond Borders: A Prayer at the Start of a Queer Immersion

The God Beyond Borders: A Prayer at the Start of a Queer Immersion July 27, 2015

The Unnecessary Extensive Search of My Car by US Border Patrol


* A prayer at the beginning of an immersion on the border of the United States and Mexico.


You are God. You are Dios. You are Allah. You are Jah. You are Adonai. You are the queerest of them all. You are the God beyond our borders. You are the God beyond God. You choose to join us here. You choose to be the God who is with us. You leave your family to seek a better life. You defy the laws of the lawless. You walk across borders. You die in the desert. You sit in detention. You are deported. You cross the border over and over. You are already here… You push through all boundaries to bind the cosmos together. No closets will survive your movement. You kick down the doors. No injustice will survive your movement. You set everything to right. No hate will survive your movement. You set all to love. Oh God beyond God…meet us here and make us queer. Amen.


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