Happy Feast of the Assumption!
It’s a Holy Day of Obligation, so get yourself to Mass someplace.
Why does the Church do this to us every so often, insisting we turn up and worship not just on Sundays, but six other days of the year into the equation? It’s as if you’re expected to totally rearrange your life in order to attend Mass. It’s as if there were something so important about these feasts that we should make them the priority. It’s as if even we who have busy in-the-world vocations should set aside our ordinary concerns and focus for a few hours solely on the worship of God.
But hey, there’s a bright side: Solemnity-on-a-Friday = You can have bacon.
(The other Fridays . . . see here for details.)
Artwork: Zahari Zograf [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons