The Go-to Guide for New and Struggling Catechists Now Out in Kindle

The Go-to Guide for New and Struggling Catechists Now Out in Kindle October 15, 2014

Something fun: I was putting together my author bio for the 2015 Gospel Reflections e-book, and discovered my catechist book is now out in Kindle.  Woohoo!

Classroom Management for Catechists Kindle Edition by Jennifer Fitz


Pretty cool, huh?  That makes me high-tech and stuff, right?

If you know a religious education teacher who’s floundering big time, this book is your answer.  It’s short, readable, and gives you step-by-step methods that anyone can use to put together a passable Sunday school class.

Yes! Even at your crazy parish, where they have that problem with the . . . never mind, we won’t talk about that.  Trust me.  If there’s a mistake to be made in catechesis, I’ve pretty much already made it, and then found some smart person to show me how to fix it.

So it’s a good book.

If you check out my publications page, there are a handful of other useful free downloads that might hit the spot as well.  Check them out.

–> If it terrifies you to get good catechetical resources at no cost, consider making a donation to Our Lady of the Rosary’s building fund as your way of saying thanks.


Image via for the purpose of illustrating this review.

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