Doesn’t get much more unqualified than this . . .

Doesn’t get much more unqualified than this . . . June 16, 2015

. . . That would be me, writing about “loving your enemies.”  Ha.

It’s the 16th of the month, which means I’m all pre-prayed over at  One of those days when you have no choice but to lay it all out:

One of my chronic frustrations is that it seems like my pagan friends are such better people than me. They are kinder and more merciful; they work harder – why can’t I be as virtuous as they are?

Our Lord reminds me of that today, pointing out, “If you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same?” And I’m thinking, “Lord, I’m having a hard time just loving my friends and family – sheesh, would you believe what just happened today!” Oops.

Today’s command, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” is a tall order.

Read the whole thing here.  Get the book here.

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