XY Motherhood: What do Recent IVF Cases in the News Tell Us? – Updated

XY Motherhood: What do Recent IVF Cases in the News Tell Us? – Updated July 13, 2015

UPDATE: For a detailed treatment of the question of intersex persons and the possibility of sex change, see Christopher Tollefsen writing at Public Discourse, “Sex Identity.”  


A friend shared two articles about genetically XY women who conceived via IVF.  She wonders what we are to make of such cases.  A few thoughts:

1. The real scandal in these particular stories (here and here) is the use of IVF, which is gravely immoral.

2. I’m not aware of any particular Church teaching on how to handle cases where there is genuine question about a person’s gender.  (There are a number of so-called “intersex” conditions that are not ambiguous at all.)  I think it’s more or less up to the person involved and his or her physicians to do their best to discern how to proceed.

3. Other than resorting to IVF, there doesn’t appear to be anything out of order whatsoever in these two ladies’ actions.  Infertility is not an impediment to marriage.

4. Obviously unjust discrimination is right out. It takes a special kind of stupid to think that a person in such a situation is somehow defective in his or her personhood by dint of an unusual set of circumstances.

5. None of this confounds the question of “gender identity” for the rest of the humans. That there exist cases where gender is difficult to discern no more demonstrates that gender is fluid than my being nearsighted demonstrates that eyesight is a cultural construct.

6. Theological speculation: It doesn’t even matter if it turns out there are a handful of genuinely “neither male nor female” human persons out there. All the angels meet that description, there’s no reason God can’t toss in a couple humans so-created, if indeed that’s what He’s doing. It in no way changes the reality that humans are (ordinarily) male or female, just like the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption don’t change reality for anyone who isn’t so blessed.

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