My top two picks for St. Jerome posts today are Amy Welborn at Charlotte Was Both and Julie Davis at Happy Catholic. Take a look. Definitely read the poem aloud, well worth your time.
Meanwhile, from the inbox, two evangelization initiatives from ladies who have all the Gospel spirit of St. Jerome but not so much the flame-war thing going on.
First, an update from J.C. Crowley at The Catholic Navigator:
Things here are at breakneck speed . . . Along with the Navigator and the Tugboat, we now have a ‘sneak peek’ at the teen version, The Catholic Clipper (for launch in year A). There are two versions actually, one for those who use it as curriculum and one for those who use it to supplement curriculum.
Cool feature: For each issue, they post links to the sources they used in compiling their lessons. Love that.
Meanwhile, from my CWG friend Nancy Ward:
My dear friends,
“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence.” (1 Peter 3:15)
I just finishing the last step of the Internet launch of my “Sharing YOUR Faith Story” DVD on Joy Shop, andCreateSpace eStore. The DVD is a 3-part seminar for evangelization that I know will help people tell their faith stories which many of you are familiar with.
The battle was fierce these last 3 weeks. I had a stack of perfectly good DVDs ready to go on the market. It turns out Amazon’s new policy on listing DVDs has radically changed. It rules out anyone who can’t document thousands of dollars in past sales (one person estimated $10,000).
Undaunted, I discovered I could go through CreateSpace and they would list it in their eStore and also on Amazon. So I had to create a new label and a cover of a different size for their specifications. “Sharing YOUR Faith Story” DVD is now in the eStore of CreateSpace and on
How did I get through this challenge?
My prayer warriors were on duty for me. We are triumphant!
Many challenges are ahead – a product launch at a local bookstore, radio interviews and a blog tour with a Facebook and Twitter campaign – all new to me except for the radio interviews.
The thing is, I need a few more prayer warriors!
I’m inviting you to join us and become a part of this exciting ministry.
To understand better the project you are praying for, “Sharing YOUR Faith Story” is a seminar to teach people how to always be ready to tell their faith story. The three-part presentation is available live (me!) and on DVD with a free study guide. You can read more about how this all started in this blog post and the attached .pdf of the “Sharing YOUR Faith Story” booklet.
Essentially I am in this because I know:
1. As baptized Christians we are meant to be evangelists.
2. The most effective method of evangelism is personal witness.
3. We can learn how to always be ready to tell a brief or detailed experienced of conversion, reversion, miracle, healing or answered prayer.
My invitation to you is to become a part of this ministry first through prayer. I ask you to lift up this ministry to the Lord for his glory and to ask him for wisdom and guidance in big and little decisions ahead.
Secondly, you can support “Sharing YOUR Faith Story” by spreading the word and suggesting it be used as a seminar (live or DVD) for
· Days of renewal
· Evangelization seminars
· Book Group discussions
· RCIA sessions
· Prayer groups
· Bible Study series
· Ministry or parish staff motivation
· Parish missions
· Peer ministry and share groups
This is an exciting adventure and I hope you will join my team of Always be Ready Prayer Warriors.
Thank you for your prayer support. I couldn’t do without it.
God bless,