Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! December 25, 2021

The Nativity Robert Campin, painting circa 1420, basic model late Medieval creche scene, except the baby's on the ground?

Artwork today is the Nativity by Robert Campin.  I didn’t notice until I pasted it here that Baby Jesus is lying on the ground? Okay, so, that actually reminds me of the most amusing moment in all my experience of giving birth, but in this case looks like Mary’s done with that part and just decided to put her naked baby down on the dirt? He doesn’t seem to mind.  Okay Mary, I’m cool with that, it turned out okay so it was probably fine.

I found him because this detail popped up when I did a Wikimedia search on “Nativity”:

Robert Campin - The Nativity (detail) - Three men looking on, one of them wearing mittens with a split mid-mit instead of thumb-and-fingers.

Didn’t notice the mittens until just now.  It was the depth of the figure’s faces in the search results thumbnail that caught my eye — I wasn’t sure in the lower-resolution image it if was a sculpture or a painting.

Anyhow, Merry Christmas to me, I have a new favorite artist.  Read more about the works attributed to Robert Campin here.

If you need a feast-length collection of good things, Emily DeArdo is planning on doing Blogmas, 12 Days version.  There will almost certainly be knitting involved.

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