Book Review: Living Momento Mori by Emily DeArdo

Book Review: Living Momento Mori by Emily DeArdo February 13, 2022

Now up at the substack, *finally*, is my review of my friend Emily DeArdo’s how-to on looking death straight in the face, every dang day of your life, and not just because it seems like a nice idea.

For those wondering, there’s no way in heck I’m gonna be posting that kind of wordcount twice a week at the new place. If you see something that time-intensive come across the ether, you can expect we’re either doing just one long newsletter this week or else the next item is going to be short and sweet.

So it’s safe to subscribe, I can’t overload you with too much reading in your inbox, because for goodness sakes I’d have to write it all. This particular subject, though, needed a lot of words, because it is a piece of cake to screw it up when you’re trying to share a good book with your fellow parishioners, but oops, the topic makes it super easy for the well-meaning sweet old lady in your Bible study to accidentally stab someone in the gut.

Reminder that free subscribers at my substack get access to all content. Hey, and also a reminder that you can subscribe via e-mail to this blog as well, check the sidebar, if you’d like to get notifications of new posts without having to log onto social media.  I will still be active here, because this is where I write about all the things that make people super-mad current events.

Bonus, for this review, Emily is hosting an AMA over at her place, so you don’t need to debate whether you want combox access.  You can also find her (and me) on Twitter for your all your feisty discourse needs.


Cover art for _Living Momento Mori_ by Emily DeArdo

Living Momento Mori cover art courtesy of Ave Maria Press.


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