Lead up to Lent – Free book this weekend

Lead up to Lent – Free book this weekend February 26, 2022

Coming up from the rabbit hole with a quick heads up before Lent:

Now through Sunday (tomorrow) night, my retreat book is free on Amazon. You can read more about it over at the substack, but honestly this is your shot to just have it, so now’s the time to grab it, you can decide later how much you love it or don’t. If you know someone who may want to use it sometime over the next year, let them know?

Likewise, if you know someone planning to stay off social media for Lent, but who would like a predicted average of two posts a week on all things Catholic evangelization and discipleship, zero politics, zero ranting, One Soul at a Time can be had free, straight to the e-mail inbox, no having to open the infinite scroll.

Free subscription keeps you out of the combox, which means that the cheapest option is also the most sanity-saving.

If you missed it, here’s my review of Emily DeArdo’s Living Momento Mori. This is where you want to spend your book money this Lent.


For the moment I’m probably headed back behind the curtain where regular-life happens.  I’ve got some political-controversial stuff waiting to run here, but honestly with Ukraine under siege it’s very difficult to write about my everyday topics.  On Ukraine I have nothing to bring to the conversation other than emphatically urging you to fast and pray for peace.

If I don’t see you before then, Happy Lent!

Lord, You Know I Love You!: A Discernment Retreat Using the Great Commandment by [Jennifer Fitz]

Cover art for Lord, You Know I Love You!, my retreat book available free on Kindle through Sunday 2/27/22 at midnight PST. Detailed rundown of what’s in the book and how to use it can be found here.

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