50 Shades of Hitler

50 Shades of Hitler February 6, 2015

50 shades

I can’t believe both Elle and Defamer buried the lede on this “50 Shades of Grey” Hindenburg-level PR disaster. Jamie Dornan, the male lead for the movie adaptation of the BDSM megabestseller is deeply ambivalent about his role in the film. Trying to rationalize it, he says the following:

Mass appreciation doesn’t always equate to something good. Think of Hitler! But I think, in this case, it must. It simply must. There’s got to be merit in it if so many people agree.

Elle tucked that revelation away into, let’s see, by my count the 17th paragraph of the profile, which opens, “He helps himself to some soppressata.” Defamer, in sifting through all the coverage of how much Dornan and female co-star Dakota Johnson hate each other stuck it very near to the bottom. It fell to fellow Patheos blogger Samuel James to boost this nugget high enough to catch my gobsmacked attention.

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