Christ Plays: Eucharist and Hospitality

Christ Plays: Eucharist and Hospitality March 5, 2006

This section in Eugene Peterson’s book, Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places, deals with how the fear-of-the-Lord is developed in history: Peterson suggests it occurs through Eucharist and Hospitality.

The Eucharist:
Two elements: remembrance and proclamation. The Eucharist anchors us in the depths of God’s work in history and prevents us from turning the faith into devotional exercises. It emphasizes a not-doing but a taking. And then the elements of sacrifice and ritual and shape come in. Four words shape the Eucharist: take, bless, break, and give.
Peterson brings in the problem we have with meals which have been deconstructed in our modern world.
Well, I’ve not found much of interest in this section, and I’m wondering if those who are reading Peterson with me did. If so, chime in; if not, I’ll take your silence as a comment on the future of this series.

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