Local Welcome

Local Welcome October 16, 2006

As NT Wright goes to great pains to show, Romans is about including both Jews and Gentiles in the one people of God. Paul urges the Romans, in 15:7, to welcome one another for, and here is a significant perspective of Paul:

Welcoming one another embodies the universal unity of the Church.
Christ, Paul says, become a servant of the circumcised in order to confirm the promises to the patriarchs about Gentile inclusion in the people of God (15:8-12). This leads Paul to show that the promises to the patriarchs can be found in 2 Sam 22:50; Ps 18:49 and Deut 32:43 and Ps 117:1 and Isa 11:10. Each of these texts reveals an inclusion of Gentiles. (By the way, Paul didn’t have a concordance as we do to find such texts — he had these texts in his head.)
And then to a “May the God of …” prayer: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (15:13).

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