Girl Meets Mary

Girl Meets Mary April 18, 2007

We get enough e-mails about our books; rarely do I say much about them, but I have to share this one. Why? Because she’s eighteen and because her letter was so delightful for both Kris and me. I’ve edited it a bit to hide her identity.

Dear Scot,
Hello! My name is Laura and I am 18 years old. I just finished reading
your book, The Real Mary, and loved it! My church has an extremely committed youth group who puts on annual theater productions. Our show this past year was called [N], a little play that
incorporates the annunciation through the flight to Egypt. I played
Mary, the central character of the play. For a long time, I did not
think I had the power or will to play Mary (not to mention the fact I
am an awful singer) and considered quitting. However, I found comfort
in the verse “Nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37). I applied
this to my everyday life and from that point on, I began to look for
parts of my own that I could identify with Mary.
Through all of this, I really looked up to Mary, and her faith that everything would play out the way it was supposed to if you trust in God.
I wish I would have heard about your book sooner however, as the play
had been over for 2 weeks before my Mom came across a recommendation in a magazine. But again, I took this as another sign from God, and ran
out to find The Real Mary. I loved the book so much, and was able to learn so much about who Mary really was, especially since I had only
focused on the early history of Mary.
Some of my favorite parts included your [hey, nice grammar here] mentioning of how Mary struggled with her faith, and how she is not perfect, just as I am not perfect and struggle with my faith. I also liked the line where you said that “No one else can sing the magnificat as she did”, because it made me realize it did not matter if my singing of it was good, or not, it will never top that of the real Mary. I highly believe in the part regarding chutzpah, a woman with confidence is truly indestructible!
Thank you, [your book] has affected my life and spiritual journey very much!
PS….I wore Carolina-Blue (ironic huh?)

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