Is Image Everything? 4

Is Image Everything? 4 November 1, 2007

I’ve chosen to skip the chp in unChristian about Christians being antihomosexuality mostly because I’ve blogged about the issue enough of late. Instead, I’m skipping to chp 6 contends that nonChristians think Christians are sheltered.

In what ways are Christians or Christianity sheltered or irrelevant? How much of this do you hear?
Kinnaman and Lyons say Christians are:
1. Out of tune and old-fashioned.
2. Lacking spiritual vitality and mystery.
3. Insulated from thinking
4. Living in their own world.
This surprises because the researchers know Christianity claims a dynamic spirituality, a sophisticated/livable response to and in our world, and such an accusation is out of touch with Christian history where Christians have always mattered in culture.
More importantly, Mosaics and Busters are anything but sheltered: they thrive on experiences and experimentalism, they have reacted to their being the most protected generation in history, and they resist simplistic answers. A bubble-faith is out of kilter with their world.
Significantly, Mosaics and Busters live in a deeply challenged world that is fractured beyond anything the older generations knew: violence, family structural shifts, sexuality, substance abuse, profanity, need for relationships, and the rise of inner desperation and personal annihilation.
“Mosaics and Busters need help” (129).
They suggest Christians need to:
1. Accept responsiblity to engage the world
2. Avoid fear
3. Avoid being offended
4. Help the desperate
5. Be prepared
6. Keep a balance
They also suggest two groups that need Christian engagement:
1. Intellectuals: intellectual shelteredness is inexcusable for Christians. Intellectuals know they need to be excellent, have first-class educations, can be led by their faith, respect their peers, and want to redeem their world not condemn it.
2. The marginalized: loners, self-injurers, fatherless

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