Preparing for Pentecost 11

Preparing for Pentecost 11 April 7, 2008

No matter how altrustic we may not want to sound, no matter how much we might want to avoid sounding like a pop-psychologist, and no matter how much we might think it is selfish, Jesus in two very important statements grounds our love for others in self-love.

The Golden Rule, Matthew 7:12, teaches us that we are to do to others as we would do to ourselves — clearly taking his cue from (a proper) self-love.
And the Jesus Creed, quoting Leviticus 19:18, says we are to love our neighbors as ourselves — again taking his clue from (a proper) self-love. (I’m dipping here into the next chp of 40 Days Living the Jesus Creed.)
It is those two words I stuck into the parentheses that many of us want to hear, as if getting that right would clear the rubble. It’s still a problem: self-love, proper to be sure, can be the foundation of how to treat others. This is pragmatic; it works. And it’s true.
Pentecost can only be what it is designed to be — the empowering by God’s Spirit to be the community God designs for God’s People — when individuals in that community love themselves and use that as a standard for loving others. Though unexpressed, this self-love grounded ethic was at work in Acts 2:42-47.
Here’s a challenge for today: do something for someone else for no other reason than that you’d like someone to do the same for you.

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