Pastor’s Bookshelf: Pastorals

Pastor’s Bookshelf: Pastorals July 24, 2009

Paul.jpgWhen it comes to the Pastoral epistles of 1-2 Timothy and Titus, there is such an abundance of good commentaries that one might say it is is ridiculous. I’m not sure why there are so many top notch, career-shaped commentaries on the Pastorals, but that’s the way it is. Again, what do you find helpful on these letters?

And at the top of the heap, and the only one you need if you have it, is Phil Towner, The Letters to Timothy And Titus (New International Commentary on the New Testament)


Then, from the evangelical side, I turn to (the incredibly expensive) commentary by I. Howard Marshall, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles (International Critical Commentary) , to William Mounce, Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 46, Pastoral Epistles
and to G.W. Knight III: The Pastoral Epistles: A Commentary on the Greek Text (New International Greek Testament Commentary)

Then one can turn to Luke Timothy Johnson, The First and Second Letters to Timothy (The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)
Then to R.F. Collins, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus: A Commentary (New Testament Library)
And finally to J.D. Quinn, The Letter to Titus (The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)
and his never-going-to-end commentary on 1-2 Tim: The First and Second Letters to Timothy

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