Blue Parakeet’s New Arrival

Blue Parakeet’s New Arrival December 21, 2010

Nope, not the one in the backyard or on our feeder.

Instead, I’m happy to announce — and have been asked to announce — that The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible is now in paperback. For about a year it has been available only in clothbound in the USA (though in paper in other countries), so I’m happy to see this book made cheaper and therefore more accessible.

What’s the book about? It’s an introduction to how to read the Bible as Story, it gives the basics on how to “apply” the Bible — or, better yet, live the Story in our world, and about one third of the book makes the case for increasing women in ministry in our local churches. The big point I make about women in ministry, and this is designed for those who want to be biblical and not just fight this on the justice front, is that we need to ask this:

What did Women Do (in the Bible)? WDWD?

Do women do in your churches (at least) what they do in the Bible days? (Or, just how biblical is your church?)

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