Distorted Church Teachings about Women

Distorted Church Teachings about Women November 19, 2012

I saw this list by J. Lee Grady, at Charisma Mag, on ten lies the church tells women… and it’s a list worthy of a good conversation today. I give you his opening and then only his list… go to the link to see his explanations:

What distortions have you heard? Have you heard these?

For centuries, a patriarchal system of control has kept women in spiritual captivity through distortion of the Scriptures. It’s time to debunk the myths.

We live in the 21st century, but if we’re honest we have to admit that in some ways the church is still in the Dark Ages—especially when we look at the way we treat women.

Even though the Scriptures never portray women as secondary to men, our male-dominated religious system still promotes a warped view of female inferiority. Women are tired of this, and as a man, so am I—because such demeaning attitudes don’t reflect God’s heart.

Jesus challenged gender prejudice at its core when He directed so much of His ministry toward women. In a Middle Eastern culture that considered women mere property, He healed women, discipled them and commissioned them to minister. Yet today we spend much of our energy denying them opportunities—and using the Bible to defend our prohibitions.

I’ve identified 10 erroneous views about women that for too long have been circulated in the church, preached from pulpits and written in the study notes of popular Bible translations. I believe we must debunk these lies if we want to see the church fully released to fulfill the Great Commission.

Lie No. 1: God’s ultimate plan for women is that they serve their husbands.

Lie No. 2: Women can’t be fulfilled or spiritually effective without a husband.

Lie No. 3: Women shouldn’t work outside the home.

Lie No. 4: Women must obediently submit to their husbands in all situations.

Lie No. 5: A man needs to “cover” a woman in her ministry activities.

Lie No. 6: A woman should view her husband as the “priest of the home.”

Lie No. 7: Women are not equipped to assume leadership roles.

Lie No. 8: Women must not teach or preach to men in a church setting.

Lie No. 9: Women are more easily deceived than men.

Lie No. 10: Women who exhibit strong leadership qualities have a “spirit of Jezebel.”

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