Reading Tolstoy Will…

Reading Tolstoy Will… October 9, 2013

… increase and develop your social and emotional skills.

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A new study published this week in Science concludes that you may get something unexpected from reading great literary works: more finely-tuned social and emotional skills. Conducted by Emanuele Castano and David Comer Kidd (researchers in the psych department at the New School for Social Research), the study determined that readers of literary fiction (as opposed to popular fiction or non-fiction) find themselves scoring better on tests measuring empathy, social perception and emotional intelligence. In some cases, it took reading literary fiction for only a few minutes for test scores to improve.

The one thing reading War and Peace will do is make you either patient or … mercy, of course, reading the endless trips of those Russian novelists across frozen Siberian expanses on dark, wobbly, smokey, uncomfortable trains while pondering great thoughts and introspecting yourself and inspecting your train companions … Yes, of course, I agree. I can think, however, of other ways.

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