Good News: Women in Ministry (Free Methodist)

Good News: Women in Ministry (Free Methodist) December 24, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-12-17 at 7.24.49 PMBy Joshua Canada:

Growing up in a Fundamental Black Baptist tradition I had little exposure to women in Pastoral Roles. In retrospect there were plenty of women in Spiritual Leadership, but they tended to be the sunday school teachers, choir directors, prayer team leaders etc. As I went further into this Christian faith that I was born into, my views on gender and the pastorate began to deviate from the norms of my childhood.
When my wife and I moved out to Santa Barbara California I knew that belonging to a faith community that affirmed both men and women was important. When we landed at Free Methodist of Santa Barbara, we were fairly confident that we had found a good fit. The pastoral staff had gender balance and women were represented in a number of explicit leadership roles, from the Local Board of Administration to leading the local body in worship.
Our church and the Free Methodist denomination is not perfect in its attends to walk against the moving sidewalk of male privilege, but I admire the efforts we are taking. One example is an occurrence at one of our recent Annual Conferences. After a vigorous presentation of our history (which include gender equity) a few pastors were brought up to the stage to pray. The pastors were from varying ethnic backgrounds, difference “style” of churches, and different parts of our district . . . but they were all male. As they were praying, one realized the contradiction. He prayed intently for the women in our denomination, to be leaders in the church and in society, he prayed against the cultural and philosophical barriers that prevent women from being their fullest selves in leadership. Of course, ideally we would have recognized the misstep of having all males before we made the step, but the combination and repentance and empowerment was a beautiful recourse. Afterwards, my wife and I talked about it, although she is a Social Worker, not a Pastor, she was enlivened with energy and a galvanized in her growth as a leader in society and the church. She has never been prayed for in her leadership so explicitly and especially never by a male.

The Free Methodist Church USA supports gender equity and it impacts not only our efforts to be sure that we are giving equitable opportunity to women and men to step into denominational and congregational leadership, but the men and women sitting in our pews, chairs, and living rooms. Men are being challenged to put down their power and give more deference to the female in their lives. This means men are being forced to consider what it looks like to support their spouse in her professional desires and encourage and validate their female friends when they encounter gender bias in the workplace. Women are being encouraged to push beyond the cultural limitations and seek God’s will for their life without the barriers of a male-centric ministry or professional culture.

Again, we are not perfect in our efforts nor is every Free Methodist Church as equitable as we would hope they were, but justice and equity are not a one and done activity. Justice and equity require the long haul and recycling back to the issues that keep us from Shalom and more fully revealing the Kingdom of God.

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