June 4, 2006

I confess I am of a certain age, and that age was certain that tattoos were not to be had. Well, that prohibition of tattoos no longer obtains either for those of my “certain age” or for the newer generation. We saw lots of them in Italy, and now I’m wondering about you. Do you have one? And, yes, Marko, we know you’ve got more than one. Any stories? Read more

June 4, 2006

While Kris and I were in Italy, Alise Barrymore, the former campus minister at North Park and who is starting up a new community church with James King, wrote and asked us to come down to speak about The DaVinci Code. So, we are really excited about joining The Emmaus Community next Sunday. It’s at 925 McArthur Drive in Chicago Heights, what we up here call the South Side of Chicago. Here’s a bit from their website: |inline Read more

June 4, 2006

We got up Saturday morning at 4:15am for a 5am drive up to Milano from our place in Camogli. (5am Sat morning in Camogli is 10pm Friday night in Chicago time.) We had heard it would take as much as 3 hours to get there and I think we got there under 2 hours. So, we had time to spare. |inline Read more

June 3, 2006

Paraclete Press is announcing a “blog tour” where each day a review will appear about Praying with the Church. Let’s make this a conversation about learning about prayer. (You can get a free Jesus Creed if you buy a Praying with the Church.) Here’s how: |inline Read more

June 2, 2006

We drove yesterday (Thurs) through the hilly wine country south of Alba, got to Monteforte di’ Alba, stopped in a cafe to have a cafe latte, and then lolled our way down to the Autostrade to head to our place in Camiglo. But, we encountered a traffic jam worse than anything we’ve seen in Chicago. |inline Read more

June 2, 2006

I would say the second chp of Russell Moore’s The Kingdom of the Christ is the finest survey of how eschatology and kingdom have been studied by evangelicals, both dispensational and covenant, in the 20th Century. I lived through most of those days, and Moore’s clearly-written and fairly-judged description is what many need to read — especially those who are in their 20s and 30s and who can’t quite figure out why we think George Eldon Ladd is the bees-knees.... Read more

June 2, 2006

Paul has words for fellow Jews — and strong words they are. Romans 2:17-29 is hard-hitting moral indictment against Jews who (1) have the Torah, (2) know the privilege of having that Torah, but (3) who do not live the Torah as God intended. Paul indicts those Jews who appeal to their election but who cannot appeal to their obedience. |inline Read more

June 1, 2006

Kris and I had a great afternoon yesterday in Lucca, walking the wall and visiting the churches. And today we are in Alba, much farther inland and our trip here this morning involved a glorious trip up A6 with the Alps to the West and the flatlands and rolling hills of Piemonte to the East. |inline Read more

June 1, 2006

One of Paul’s goals, as we know if we’ve spent much time in Romans, is to contend that everyone, whether Jew or Gentile, falls short, comes up empty, is sinful. But Romans 2:12-16 goes beyond that to argue that the Law is written into the pulse of every heart, even if they are Gentiles, and everyone is held accountable to that Law. But there is more here, and I hope I can do it some justice. |inline Read more

June 1, 2006

What do Russell D. Moore, a professor at Southern Seminary, and Brian McLaren, a major voice in the emerging church movement, have in common? A lot I will suggest today — and it that “a lot” has to do with three words: “Kingdom of God.” They differ, rather markedly it will be seen, on what these three words mean. But this series will look at what I think may become a watershed book in conservative evangelicalism’s interaction of Church and... Read more

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