March 30, 2006

Here is perhaps the earliest evidence of lay-level apologetics: “Always be ready for a reply to everyone who requests of you an account of the hope that fill you” (1 Pet 3:15). That readiness becomes credible only when it is done properly and emerges from a lifestyle that is good. |inline Read more

March 29, 2006

A purple theology believes that to one degree or another the Reformation is over. By that it means that the Reformation’s summons of the Church to return to the Bible (sola scriptura) and to faith as the sole means of justification (sola fide) and to grace alone as that which saves us (sola gratia) has done its job. Those are no longer the central issues. |inline Read more

March 29, 2006

A true story. A conversation my colleague was told about a conversation of a would-be convert to the Orthodox Church and a priest who thought she needed to know more about Orthodoxy before converting. |inline Read more

March 29, 2006

Peter turns a corner, rather suddenly and abruptly. From 2:11–3:12 Peter has dealt with one single issue — how to live in the Roman Empire as Christians. Now he faces another problem directly: suffering. And we might be forgiven if we suggest Peter’s opening question borders on the naive. And I hope I’ll be forgiven for suggesting a political application. |inline Read more

March 28, 2006

The biggest question the emerging thinkers are asking of the satisfaction theory, and even penal substitution theory, can be found in one simple question and then I’ll let LeRon Shults flesh it out. How would you respond to this way of putting the challenge to the satisfaction theory? |inline Read more

March 28, 2006

What do you think? What would you do? What does your church do? Bill Yaccino is onto something here. |inline Read more

March 28, 2006

Peter urges the resident aliens and temporary residents to avoid sin, esp violent reactions, and to do good. We’ve just had a few posts on how he advises wives and husbands to avoid sin and do good, and all of this has a missional focus. Let me emphasize again that I think it is vital to see these texts as “emerging” reflections — this is what Peter says to a specific audience at a specific time in a specific context.... Read more

March 27, 2006

Yippee! It’s Saturday March 25 and Bob is home (sleeping cozily, I might add). I spoke to him, and it was nice to hear him joking and talking. He came home a full 7 weeks after he went in so unexpectedly. We know that God spared his life and we give God glory for bringing him through to this point! |inline Read more

March 27, 2006

Pastor David Butler and his dear wife, Gayle, hosted Kris and me this weekend at Springdale Community Church in Louisville, Kentucky, and were we treated to kindness! But even more than that, we loved the fellowship and the reports of the ministry flowing into and out of Sprindale. Where to begin? |inline Read more

March 27, 2006

I’m constitutionally incapable of finding committee meetings interesting. I do my best to come to each meeting with a good attitude, but it doesn’t last very long. |inline Read more

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