Freedom From Religion, part 2

Freedom From Religion, part 2 September 8, 2009

And now we have an official response from Scott Ullrich, Business Manager for UU World. In part, he says:

I have come to the conclusion that it was a mistake to run this particular ad. While the stated mission of the Freedom From Religion Foundation is entirely consistent with UU values, this ad seems hostile to all religion. To be more specific, I believe that I failed to help the advertiser match their message to our readers. An ad spotlighting FFRF’s purpose of “working for the separation of state and church” would have been more appropriate than one that for many appears to be condemning religion in general.

What Ullrich says is good and proper, and perhaps, all that a business manager should say. But what is not said – namely, that a religious organization shouldn’t participate in the wholesale denunciation of religion – says volumes about UU World and those who publish it.

Enough. I have a seminar to prepare, a ritual to edit, and a waning moon that will be up shortly.

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