Practice and Fear

Practice and Fear October 5, 2009

Wiccan author and musician T. Thorne Coyle (who was one of the primary musicians at the Druid Gorsedd back in August) has a recent blog entry where she says:

my hunch is that we often avoid daily practice not out of laziness, or lack of discipline, but because we know that profound changes will occur in our lives and we are not sure we are up to shouldering what feels like the burden of the unknown. Something inside of us fears the loss of normalcy and of the known.

Yesterday I stood in the DUUF pulpit and spoke on our organizational fear of change, and a vision which I hope will help us move past it. Taken at an individual level, Thorne Coyle’s words sound very familiar.

If I go deeper, what will change? What will I lose? What will I have to give up? A compartmentalized life has helped me get to where I am, but at some point, those compartment walls start to stretch beyond their limits…

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