Navigating Tower Time – Magic for an Era of Change

Navigating Tower Time – Magic for an Era of Change January 12, 2021

The fourth online course from Under the Ancient Oaks is now open for registration. Navigating Tower Time – Magic For an Era of Change begins on January 28 and will run for six weeks.

Artwork by the amazing Ashley Bryner – prints available on her website.

About ten years ago, some people who follow the Morrigan started getting a message: “a storm is coming. Get ready.”

Since then those messages have gotten louder, and I think we can agree the storm is here. People who regularly work with spirits started noticing that the boundary between this world and the Otherworld is getting thinner, and not just at Samhain and Beltane. Reports of magical and Otherworldly experiences are getting stronger and more frequent. And in the ordinary world, we’ve seen climate change, the decline of the American empire, the rise of nationalism, fascism, and xenophobia – and all of 2020.

Some of us are calling all this Tower Time. In the Tarot, The Tower card represents sudden, dramatic, and irreversible change. It’s not a pleasant card. It’s not an easy card. You don’t have to like it – I certainly don’t like it. But it’s the card we’ve been dealt, and so it’s the card we have to play. We need a strategy for navigating Tower Time. Not just so we can survive, but so we can thrive.

This isn’t like Mercury Retrograde. It’s not going to be over on January 20 and it’s not going to be over when everyone is vaccinated. No one alive today is going to see the end of Tower Time.

We can’t hunker down and wait it out. We ignore it at our peril. We need a model of what’s going on, so we can better understand this new environment. We need a strategy for dealing with changed circumstances. Mainly, we need to build skills that will help us handle whatever comes our way: spiritual skills, magical skills, and ordinary skills.

I don’t have all the answers. I’m not sure I have all the questions. But I’ve been watching this and studying it and living in it for the past ten years. I have some ideas about what’s going on. Mainly, I know what I’ve done and what I’m doing to get through Tower Time. And so I’m happy to announce the fourth online class from Under the Ancient Oaks: Navigating Tower Time – Magic for an Era of Change.

The Modules

0.  Introduction (free)

1.  Living in a Magical World

2.  Shifts in the Ordinary World

3.  Shifts in Magic and the Otherworld

4.  Own Your Witchcraft: Magical Strategies For Extraordinary Times

5.  Drafted into the Army of the Morrigan

6.  Thriving in Difficult Times

The Details

As with the previous classes, Navigating Tower Time will be on-demand. Video classes will be released once a week – do them at your own pace. Most of the modules for the previous classes run 50 to 60 minutes, but I never know how long each one will be until I do it.

Module 0 – the syllabus module – is available now. Module 1 will go up January 28, and a new module every week after that. I always include a disclaimer “actual frequency may vary” but I’ve yet to miss a date, and I don’t expect to be late this time either.

Homework for this class will involve more reading (all online – there are no books to buy), thinking, and writing than previous classes. The class presents some important concepts and the best way to learn them is to engage with them. As always, homework is entirely voluntary. But if you do it, I’ll read it and offer my feedback.

I’ll stop reviewing homework about a month after the last module – if you haven’t done it by then you’re probably not going to do it. I’ll be available to answer questions about the class even after the homework review period has passed.

K.D. Echols has once again graciously agreed to provide written transcripts for those with hearing difficulties, and for those who like to read as well as listen.

Costs and Registration

Registration is open now. Send me an e-mail or use the contact form on the Under the Ancient Oaks website and tell me you want to sign up. I’ll send you a PayPal invoice. Once you pay it, I’ll register you for the class. Most times this will be done within 24 hours, but if you catch me while I’m occupied it may take longer.

The cost is the same as the first three courses: $50 for the entire course.

A limited number of scholarships are available for those experiencing financial difficulties. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, just ask. I’ll take applications until January 23, and I’ll hold all applications until then. I’ll notify everyone of their application status by January 25.

If you’re in good financial shape, I hope you’ll consider sponsoring a scholarship. Each sponsorship fully funds one scholarship student, and it also counts toward the paid registrations that determine how many scholarships I can fund.


If you have any questions, contact me here or at any of the usual places.

This is a class I’ve been wanting to do for several years. The time is finally right, so here it is. I hope you’ll be a part of it.

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