April 10, 2013

The primacy of belief is a modern, Western, Protestant concept. As Pagans, our emphasis is on action. The secret to magic isn’t believing, it’s doing. Read more

April 8, 2013

I truly believe we can connect to Nature no matter where we are. More than that, I believe we must. But every so often, I need to spend a weekend in the woods. Read more

April 4, 2013

I don’t want to be on my deathbed and realize I was the Druid equivalent of a quarterback with a questionable work ethic. Read more

April 1, 2013

When I blogged about the need for Pagans to work in groups, I got a lot of feedback that was skeptical and some that was outright negative. The complaints fell into five general categories and I’d like to address them. Read more

March 28, 2013

Patheos has a new series called “Why I Am A...” which challenges writers to explain their religious choice in 200 words or less. Here’s my entry. Read more

March 26, 2013

Religious “bubbles” have existed ever since religion became an organized thing and they persist for good reasons. Our Pagan bubble gives us safety and encouragement to explore our beliefs and practices in greater depth than the mainstream society will allow. It’s a good thing, so long as we don’t get stuck there. Read more

March 24, 2013

Christianity is deeply embedded in our culture. Even if we are happily committed to Paganism and to the old goddesses and gods, at some point we will be asked what we believe about Jesus. These are my thoughts as a Pagan, a Druid, and a Unitarian Universalist. Read more

March 21, 2013

The myth of the solitary Witch In The Forest is romantic, but most of us are better off practicing and worshiping in a group. Solitary or not you still have to do the work, but it’s easier with friends. Read more

March 19, 2013

Like gay people who come out of the closet, Pagans who engage in interfaith work make the way easier for those who come after them. The risks of interfaith work are small and the benefits can be great. Read more

March 17, 2013

Before the Great Battle of Magh Tuireadh, Figol the Druid blessed the warriors, saying “as to the men of Ireland, every breath they breathe will be an increase of strength and of bravery to them; and if they are seven years in the battle they will never be any way tired.” It is in that Druid tradition I offered this morning’s sermon at the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Read more

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