Why Must Others Be Like Us?

Why Must Others Be Like Us? September 21, 2007

Here’s a question: What is it within people that makes them so insane to have everyone else be as much like them as possible?

What is that? Why do people care so much what other people do and think and believe? It’s easy enough for me, as a Christian, to say, “Well, the reason [we] Christians want everyone in the world who’s not a Christian to become a Christian is so that everyone can go to heaven instead of hell,” but … but that doesn’t really explain why everyone, Christian or not, is so driven to make everyone else just like themselves.

You — my 30 or so regular readers — all seem pretty smart. So you guys tell me: What is this intense need we all seem to have to … well, create others in our image? Isn’t diversity what we all like? Spice of life, and all that?

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