August 9, 2008

  [polldaddy poll=”845930″] Related post (about another thing the purpose of which I couldn’t figure out): Anyone Know What This Thing Is?   Read more

August 7, 2008

Random stuff floatin around in my head: A reader asked if what I wrote in The Spoiled Rotten Adult is an “original analysis,” i.e., my own ideas. They are. I’m sure some Brainy Psych Types somewhere have done plenty o’ writing about the people whom in that post I called “Shruggers,” but I don’t know of that work. I don’t read the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or anything. I would—it’s a fascinating book. But it must be said there aren’t nearly enough pictures... Read more

August 6, 2008

People of the Shrug are profoundly emotionally spoiled. They're two-year-olds in adult bodies. Here are four reasons being that way works for them--and will never, ever work for you. Read more

August 4, 2008

A few months back I wrote a piece called Unhappy? Reject Your Parents. Yesterday a woman left on that post the “comment” below. I’m here presenting what she wrote, exactly as she wrote it, in the hope that those who read it will pray for the healing of this good woman’s heart. Please help me to show this sister of ours the love that in her life she’s clearly, and tragically, been too often denied. Dear Mr. Shore, I found this article about... Read more

August 2, 2008

  Wondering whether or not someone is Mr. Right means he’s not. It really is exactly that simple. When you’ve met or gotten to know Mr. Right, he’ll be so Mr. Exactly  Right that you’ll know it like a lightening bolt to your chest. You’ll no sooner be able to wonder whether or not he’s Mr. Right then you’d wonder, standing out in the rain, whether or not you’re getting wet. You’ll know. (And this is all true for men wondering about Miss... Read more

July 31, 2008

It’s fun to write about being married or single—because that’s about relationships, and that’s about Intense Human Interaction, and what’s more dependably interesting than that? And so I’ve enjoyed writing (and wading through the many, often emotionally intense responses to) You! Get Married! Now!; Looking for Mr. Right? You’re Missing the Point, Missy; Six Tests to Determine If He’s Mr. Right; To Single Women: Men. Don’t. Change.; Surprise (Or Not!)! Men Are Spoiled; Top 10 Tips for Becoming an Ideal Husband; What’s In A... Read more

July 29, 2008

About a half hour ago I was standing in my apartment with a women I’d never met. She was there to assess whether or not she wanted to make my apartment her new apartment, since my wife Cat and I have to move from here. Meaning we have to find someone to take over our lease. Meaning people are now coming to view our apartment. Meaning I had to clean the heck out of our place this morning. Meaning I had... Read more

July 27, 2008

Here’s another original work of art I bought at one of the thrift stores my wife operates in her capacity as Director of Finance and Thrift Store Operations (!!) for Community Resource Center, a nonprofit organization located in lovely Encinitas, CA. The painting is done on what I believe is goat skin—making it a great painting and a great drum. This is easily the best sounding picture I’ve ever thumped. The painting is unsigned, and measures, frame included, a mere 9... Read more

July 26, 2008

Oh, sorry: we were (here) talking about the Muhammad Ali painting I bought at an auction, not art I bought at a thrift store. Well, the above is an original painting that I bought at a thrift store some two years ago for ten or fifteen bucks. I like it so much—I find it so deeply moving and exquisitely composed—that I’m almost embarrassed to show or talk about it here. You know how you take to heart the art you love... Read more

July 25, 2008

I was in an elevator; I opened the emergency phone box (because what else is there to do in an elevator?); what I saw’s above. So my question is: What was the car salesman who left his card inside this elevator phone box thinking? Right after people who are stuck in elevators have desperately phoned for help, the next thing on their mind is usually buying a new car? People stuck in elevators are ready to deal?  Phones and cards with... Read more

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