July 12, 2008

[polldaddy poll=”778398″]     Read more

July 11, 2008

Okay, fine. It’s not my book; it’s our (as in mine and Stephen Arterburn’s) book — and PW didn’t demand its readers buy Being Christian so much as they did publish, in this week’s issue, this review of it: Being Christian: Exploring Where You, God, and Life Connect Stephen Arterburn and John Shore. Bethany House, $19.99 (240p) ISBN 978-0-7642-0426-5 Arterburn (Every Man’s Battle series) and Shore (I’m OK—You’re Not) have designed a thoroughly comprehensive and refreshingly engaging primer on foundational Christian tenets.... Read more

July 10, 2008

[polldaddy poll=”773991″] (For the record, those are Actual Homes, located on the street right behind where my wife works.) Other polls o’ mine: Confusing Kids About the Future in 1952, This Vanity Plate Confuses Me, Brilliant Work of Modern Art, or Actual Garbage? If you like my work, consider subscribing to my rss feed and/or joining my Facebook group! Read more

July 9, 2008

[polldaddy poll=”771702″] Read more

July 9, 2008

As you may know, lately, here in Blog Land, I’ve been pretty seriously goofing about with my new camera. Oh sure, it’s been fun. First Roscoe the Zoo Cat shocked us. Then The Evil Tree terrified us. Then the “Art or Garbage? debate confounded us. Then the Fully Atrocious porta-potty name made us wonder if I was ever going to grow up. And finally, of course, we pondered The Mystery of the Apparently Depressed Yet Romantically Hopeful Yoga Practitioner. Ahhh. Good times, all.... Read more

July 8, 2008

[polldaddy poll=”765445″] Sort of related posts: Is This Really The Right Name for a Porta-Potty? and Brilliant Work of Modern Art, or Actual Garbage? Read more

July 7, 2008

No. The answer is no. In the same vein: Brilliant Work of Modern Art, or Actual Garbage?, This Vanity Plate Confuses Me and First Dorothy! Now Me! ********************************************************************************************************** Email: johnshore@sbcglobal.net Follow: http://twitter.com/johnshore Befriend: http://www.facebook.com/john.shore1 Be Fan: http://www.facebook.com/pages/John-Shore/89494795412?ref=s Read more

July 7, 2008

In an alley the other day I found the above. Total Work of Art, or Obvious Garbage?? You be the judge! [polldaddy poll=”761907″] (Sort of related posts: Is This Really The Right Name for a Port-a-Potty? and This Vanity Plate Confuses Me.) ********************************************************************************************************** Email: johnshore@sbcglobal.net Follow: http://twitter.com/johnshore Friend: http://www.facebook.com/john.shore1 Fan: http://www.facebook.com/pages/John-Shore/89494795412?ref=s Read more

July 6, 2008

1. You don’t have to be all that  great on Monday morning. 2.  By about 11 o’clock Tuesday morning, you will have forever forgotten this weekend anyway. 3. Routine, Structure, and Taking Care of Business are a solid blessing in anyone’s life. 4. Friday’s about 90% a weekend day anyway — meaning you’re really only four days away from a whole new  weekend! 5. God loves you, and has put you in exactly the place, time, and condition that he knows will, in the end, prove perfectly ideal... Read more

July 4, 2008

This socially maladjusted tree, which grows right next to my parking space in our apartment complex, hates me.  Just look at this angry arboreal! Is there any doubt that it belongs to that same family of trees who once so appallingly harassed a certain young lady from Kansas who wanted nothing more than to get back home? It purposefully drops all kinds of Tree Detritus on me, attempts to trip me with its outsized roots, and brazenly encourages the flying monkey-type birds who do its evil... Read more

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