“Publisher’s Weekly” Demands Readers Buy My Book!

“Publisher’s Weekly” Demands Readers Buy My Book! July 11, 2008

Okay, fine. It’s not my book; it’s our (as in mine and Stephen Arterburn’s) book — and PW didn’t demand its readers buy Being Christian so much as they did publish, in this week’s issue, this review of it:

Being Christian: Exploring Where You, God, and Life Connect

Stephen Arterburn and John Shore. Bethany House, $19.99 (240p) ISBN 978-0-7642-0426-5

Arterburn (Every Man’s Battle series) and Shore (I’m OK—You’re Not) have designed a thoroughly comprehensive and refreshingly engaging primer on foundational Christian tenets. Readers from across the spectrum of Christian experience (newbies, veterans and seekers alike) will find this biblical question-and-answer format compellingly practical. Although it is written from an evangelical perspective, other Christians will learn from it, too, and appreciate the authors’ clear approach. The book addresses specific, often thorny questions: how is God simultaneously Father, Son and Spirit? Why does God allow evil to exist? Why must Christians pray for their enemies? How are they to understand “fallen” Christian leaders? What is original sin? And how do confession, repentance and Christ’s atonement and resurrection play into the Christian’s daily faith journey? Arterburn and Shore further enhance their excellent guide with wit, humor and gentle pokes at the church’s foibles. Whether individuals are just wondering about God or serious in their religious pursuit, this book is a valuable resource. (Sept.)

Isn’t that loverly?

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