June 3, 2008

  In the laundry room of my apartment complex is a chair and fold-out table upon which people leave random reading material. On that table this morning I found a softbound book titled, Pilar Wayne’s Favorite and Fabulous Recipes. Whilst perusing said tome, I learned that from 1954 to 1976 its author, Pilar Wayne, was married to John Wayne. Besides being the wife of America’s most beloved movie cowboy, Pilar was also apparently quite the cook. And this book is her... Read more

June 3, 2008

Yesterday in a coffee shop I totally eavesdropped on a conversation between an Evangelizing Christian (“EC”) and a guy who Wasn’t Having Any (“WHA”). Here’s the gist of their exchange: EC: But you can’t get into heaven unless you’re a Christian. WHA: Why not? I’m a good guy. I lead a moral life. Why should I be kept out of heaven? EC: Because in the Bible, Jesus says, “No one comes to the Father except through me.” WHA: But that... Read more

May 31, 2008

How can being absolutely certain of Christ’s reality and sovereignty be a curse? Because the one thing that will unfailingly close your mind to the great spontaneous freedom of life—the one thing, in other words, sure to kill the vibrant, open-ended vitality of the Holy Spirit—is being confident that you know and understand everything. And why, if you’re a Christian, are you at least as likely as anyone else to feel that you know and understand everything? Because you think... Read more

May 30, 2008

We’re in our new place. WE’RE MISSING OUR DINING ROOM TABLE AND OUR COUCH BECAUSE OUR MORON MOVERS BROKE THEM BOTH, but we’re in our new place. You know how the night before your movers arrive you’re Generally Anxious, because there’s so much at stake? You’re spending insane money, everything you own is vulnerable, there’s a whole schedule thing that has to happen, etc.? And then you know how, when the move is over, you go, “Whew. See? Everything turned... Read more

May 26, 2008

I hate making suggestions for what other people should do or think. It’s just  an obnoxious thing to do.  If there’s one thing I think we could all use less of, it’s people telling us what we should and shouldn’t do, think, and be. Luckily, when I give advice, it never fails to be inspiring and breathtakingly helpful. And good thing, too. Otherwise, I might ever be mistaken for one of those intrusive, overbearing,  judgmental  windbags who are forever telling... Read more

May 24, 2008

  This is my office, as it is right now, before I start ripping it apart for the move. I’ve enjoyed working here; in this room, in the last two years, I’ve written two books, one play, 220 blog posts, and sent about 18 trillion emails to people, many of whom I am sure wish I’d get a real job. Though I’ve not enjoyed living in this duplex-thingy we live in, I will sometimes miss this room, I think. Read more

May 23, 2008

Beginning this weekend, my wife Cat and I are moving to a new apartment. Moving. As in boxes. And tape. And … excessive, American-style ownership. And, eventually, me in a corner, crying. We’ll be in our new place Wednesday, May 28. Yay. We are very, very, very glad to be leaving the place in which it very much feels as if we’ve been trapped for the last two years. We’re only moving about ten blocks away, but it’s like ten... Read more

May 21, 2008

Yesterday I posted a piece called Unhappy? Reject Your Parents. As I understood beforehand would happen, a lot of people assumed I’d written that piece as a sort of knee-jerk, negative response to my father’s recent visit, about which, in Connecting Flights, I’d written the day before. As I also anticipated would happen, a lot of Christians immediately accused me of being a bad Christian. Sigh. If there’s one thing of which this world will apparently never be short , it’s Christians telling other Christians... Read more

May 20, 2008

Unhappy? Then do yourself a favor, and consider the possibility that you had truly crappy parents. Maybe it's NOT you. Read more

May 18, 2008

How 12 hours went by like 12 seconds. Read more

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