November 17, 2007

A while back I wrote this, which pretty much no one read. Then, this morning, a woman from Kenya wrote me to say: “Hi. I had a dream last night that a pastor Lunalo came to preach in Kenya. He preached on a message and the whole street was paying attention to him. Unfortunately, I woke up in a start and forgot the message. I just decided to check out the website, and trust me, this is a miracle that... Read more

November 16, 2007

In few respects [did Protestantism differ from Catholicism] more than in its establishment of the principle of an ongoing reformation. While most of the Reformers, once established, tended practically to resist extensions of reformation that would jeopardize their status and definition, almost all Protestants, at least nominally, assented to the idea that “ecclesia reformatat semper reformanda”–i.e., that the church was always reformed and always in need of further reformation. The Protestant movement, then, was conceived as an unfinished product, constantly... Read more

November 14, 2007

I have food issues (he typed, whilst chowing on a huge slab of bread made with figs and anise). My issue is that I like to eat, and yet am not huge on cooking. I do all the cooking in our house, because I stay home and write while my wife Cat leaves the house every day to go out and have an Actual Life. So I do all our cooking. Cat, thank God, is not a picky eater. Neither am I.... Read more

November 13, 2007

Last night my wife Cat and I went out to a Chinese restaurant. So guess what my fortune cookie said? “You will experience small success, especially in romance.” Which leaves me with two questions: 1. Does anyone out there know if “small” is Chinese for “great”? And 2: Am I the only person in the world who’s ever gotten a negative fortune cookie fortune? I’ve gotten a really weird fortune cookie fortune before (which you can read about here), but I’ve... Read more

November 12, 2007

Here are six tests you can use to help determine if he's really Prince Charming, or Burpy the village idiot. Read more

November 7, 2007

A bit more on the general subject touched upon with yesterday’s, “Stop Wasting Time Looking for Mr. Right.” If you’re a single woman, a good thing to understand about any man with whom you’re thinking about getting more deeply involved or even married is that men don’t change. They are who they are. Love and accept the man you’re interested in as he is, or move on. If your potential life-mate possesses a quality that you don’t like—a habit, personality... Read more

November 1, 2007

"How can Jesus be fully man without a sex drive? And if he has a sex drive, then how can he be sinless, since Matthew 5:27-28 says that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. What man DOESN'T ever look at women lustfully? Read more

October 30, 2007

If we Christians were a little more comfortable with Jesus being fully man, maybe we'd be a little more comfortable with ourselves. Read more

October 29, 2007

Anyone want to help me understand what’s being said about one of my books here? If not, just try and tell me that gazing unto the gleefully cherubic face of “Uber Mich” doesn’t make you feel … happy? Optimistic? Like you haven’t quite found the magical medical prescription for you yet? Uber Mich! You da man! (Unless you’re telling everyone not to buy my book. Oh, what the heck. Even then. How can I possibly stay mad at you?) Read more

October 27, 2007

  Last night, at the San Diego Repertory Theater,  I had the almost disturbingly pleasurable pleasure of watching a reader’s theater presentation of my mini, two-person one-act play, Mankind: The Preview. Afterwards, the enthralled audience (I think they were enthralled; the tears in my eyes were keeping things fuzzy) asked me questions that would have left Bluto feeling like a literary genius. How did I come to write something so great? Do I have a degree in theology? What other... Read more

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