April 5, 2007

My Most Dramatic Spiritual Conversion happened to me when I was 38 years old—and inside, as I’ve said, a supply closet at my job.  (You can read about the exact moment of that experience here, in a post of mine called, “The Happiest Ending EVER.”) A supply closet! At my job! Man. Talk about strange and mysterious ways. I wondered then — like, right after it happened — and I wonder now: Is that how God usually does things? When you get converted, aren’t... Read more

April 4, 2007

My wife and I have a thing we do in the mornings. We sit down together, and then I start off by saying my personal prayers (wherein, of course, I thank God for everything he’s done and is doing for me, and ask him to protect this person, to heal that person, to guide this situation, etc.). Then Cat (my wife Catherine—not our actual cat) says her personal prayers. Next we read a passage from the Bible. Then we hold... Read more

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