The March for Life: Why This Year Matters The Most

The March for Life: Why This Year Matters The Most January 22, 2016

Today marks the 42nd annual March for Life, a yearly rally and protest on the anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. Over half a million people will fill the National Mall for a rally and hear from speakers such as Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, Senator Joni Ernst and many others. After the rally, the crowd will make their way  from the National Mall to the Supreme Court. While every March for Life is important, the impact of this year’s March is monumental.


(Image Source: New York Times)

The reason this March is paramount is because of the 2016 elections, ending in a new president for America. Social issues, particularly marriage and life are among some of the most important issues for voters, especially millennials voters. Unsurprisingly both Democratic and Republican candidates have been asked about their stances on federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the recent undercover videos highlighting Planned Parenthood selling fetus body parts for prophet, and their views on abortion.

According to a recent CNN poll, 58% of Americans believe that abortion “should be illegal in most” circumstances. Millennials are especially pro-life, having growing up in an era where there are ultrasounds and sonograms. The debate has moved from “is this a person”, to “when should this person have rights.” The importance of having a pro-life president is on the forefront of many people’s minds, and it’s an issue that many people will strongly consider when stepping into the ballot box.

As half a million people gather today in the freezing weather, it’s important to ensure that the rest of the world knows just how important this issue is. Lives are literally at stake in this election.

What are some ways you can get involved with the March today?

– If you’re in the area, come down and march!

– Use social media to discuss the March for Life, and pro-life issues.

– Tell your persona story about why you’re pro-life.

– Call your representative and senators and ask them to vote for pro-life legislation.

– Remember that your voice on these issues matters.

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