A New Book on Church and Ministry

A New Book on Church and Ministry June 7, 2017

It has been a long time since Just and Sinner Publications has released any new books, but one has just arrived, with two more to come in the near future. This book is titled, The True Church and the Holy Ministry: Two Treatises on Ecclesiology by E. Greenwald and Henry Eyster Jacobs. The description is as follows:

BookCoverImageThis volume contains two separate treatises on the subjects of church and ministry. These essays contain doctrines and arguments that remain relevant to the contemporary church, and debates within Lutheranism in particular.

The first section is a booklet written by E. Greenwald on the nature of the true church. In this treatise, Greenwald argues that the Lutheran church is the true church because of the nature of its Biblical and apostolic teaching. He then treats two subjects which differentiate the Lutheran reformation from other Christian traditions. First, he discusses the centrality and nature of justification by faith; second, he treats the Lutheran view of Holy Communion.

The second treatise is written by Henry Eyster Jacobs on the nature of the Holy Ministry. In this document, Jacobs cites and documents the view of the Holy Ministry as explained by the Lutheran dogmaticians of the seventeenth century.


Purchase the book here.

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