June 3, 2014

I received the following question which I think deserves a response since it is so commonly asked: Hey, I just started watching your video “Just and Sinner: What is the doctrine on the two kindoms?” And you mentioned that if someone were to commit a crime to someone else, and they went to the pastor for forgiveness, then it was then the pastor’s job to forgive them. Now I was wondering how that perspective matches with I John 1:9 “If we... Read more

June 3, 2014

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo4FcSDOKeo Read more

June 3, 2014

In non-sacramental church traditions, there is often a distinction made between baptism of the Holy Spirit and water baptism. Baptism with water, beginning with John’s baptism prior to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, is a symbolic act wherein one’s conversion is symbolized through immersion. It is a sign of dying to the old self and rising to the new. There is a separate baptism identified with the Holy Spirit which is a Spirit wrought act separate from the water applied.... Read more

June 3, 2014

A reader of my blog approached me with a question regarding the difference between total depravity and total inability. Apparently, some Arminians had distinguished the two terms claiming that they believe in total depravity but not total inability.Generally, total depravity refers to the first of the five points of Calvinism. It is the belief that humans are “totally depraved” due to the effect of original sin. This does not mean that humans are as evil as they could be (utter... Read more

June 3, 2014

Due to all the talk in the blogosphere about Jason Stellman’s announcement that he is converting to Rome, I felt that it was a good time to answer a question posed by one of my readers regarding a text frequently used by Roman apologists, 1 Timothy 3:15.“if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” (NIV)The claim made... Read more

June 3, 2014

I have noticed in certain strains of Evangelical Catholicism some tendencies which tend toward some of the same errors as American Evangelicalism. I don’t mean that we have suddenly started singing 7-11 choruses or having our Pastors preach on the latest popular movie in his “Jesus is my homeboy” t-shirt. However, I have noticed a certain strain of emotionalism and obsession with aesthetics which mimics that of mega church culture. Let me explain.I have, for example, heard some Lutherans say... Read more

June 3, 2014

I got a recent comment on an old post which I felt was worth responding to with a new post because these are some very commonly asked questions: 1) You said one can be justified by faith alone without needing to be baptize (at least in some special cases). Can you provide instances of these? The typical response to this question is to point to the thief on the cross. Clearly the thief on the cross did not have the opportunity to... Read more

June 3, 2014

On the recent Christ the Center podcast, the subject of Lutheranism again came up. This time the subject at hand is that of the third use of the Law. Rev. Nick Batzig rightly showed that the discussions of the three uses of the Law came from Melancthon and were subsequently popularized by Calvin. However, Rev. Batzig made the comment that the Lutheran tradition largely denies the third use of the Law. Is this true?In recent Lutheran history, there has been... Read more

June 3, 2014

I was asked by a reader to respond to a Christ the Center program which discussed the issue of sanctification. The primary argument of the program is that some have over-forensicised the gospel, teaching justification as the gospel alone without regard for sanctification. This programs brings about many of the primary differences which exist among the two Confessions (Lutheran and Reformed) regarding the relation of justification and sanctification.DeYoung argues that discussions about sanctification by grace/works or monergistic/synergistic sanctification are unnecessary... Read more

June 3, 2014

The blogosphere is full of discussions of two-kingdom theology and neo-Calvinism. Especially with the publication of David VanDrunen’s Living in God’s Two Kingdoms, and John Frame’s recent publication against so-called “Escondido Theology”, the Reformed seem to all be talking about views of church and state.What bothers me, is that once again, the Reformed are talking about “Lutheran” views without actually looking at Lutheran sources. The theologians at Westminster Seminary and California are seen as “Lutheran” (or most often caricatures of these... Read more

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