June 3, 2014

I once heard a Reformed seminary professor confess that several texts in scripture sound like baptismal regeneration, but because of one specific text, he denied the possibility. That text comes from 1 Corinthians, “I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. For it has been reported to me by Chloe’s... Read more

June 3, 2014

For those in the so-called “new Calvinism” camp, the puritans are often considered the apex of Reformed Christianity. I personally, even while I was a Reformed Christian, never liked the puritans all that much. I never really even appreciated the writings of Jonathan Edwards (despite the fact that I live right near the church he preached at), as he was far too introspective. Though I do appreciate his philosophical acumen. A recent review of Tullian Tchividjian’s book “Jesus + Nothing... Read more

June 3, 2014

In the continuing discussions in the Reformed camp over the issue of union with Christ and its relation to justification, one of the questions that has consistently risen is that of the definition of the gospel. Is the gospel the forensic doctrine of justification? Is it solely defined as imputation of righteousness and forgiveness on the personal ordo salutis?It is often the assumption that the Lutheran approach to the gospel consists purely of subjective justification of the sinner without ontological... Read more

June 3, 2014

Martin Chemnitz, in his Loci Theologici, outlines several reasons why the Christian should perform good works. They are as follows:I. Good Works as they apply to God Himself1. It is the command of God2. It is the will of God3. If God is our father, we should be obedient sons4. Christ redeemed us that he might purify us5. Good works are the fruit of the Spirit6. We glorify God through our works7. That we might become imitators of God8. That we... Read more

June 3, 2014

I have been asked quite a few times recently what to read to begin studying the Church fathers. These are a few of the resources that helped me begin to study Patristic theology.First, I must recommend two essential volumes. One is J.N.D. Kelly’s Early Christian Doctrines, and the other is Jeraslov Pelikan’s The Christian Tradition vol. 1: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition. These are really the two standard scholarly introductions to Patristic theology. While I don’t always agree, the extensive one... Read more

June 3, 2014

One of the things that initially scared me away from Lutheran churches was the crucifix placed in the front of the sanctuary behind the preacher. Doesn’t that violate the second commandment? Do Lutherans venerate icons?This is a common apprehension Reformed Christians have about Lutheran worship. I would look to clear up a few misconceptions. Lutherans do not venerate icons. At the second council of Nicea in 787, the issue of images was at hand. One side, called iconoclasts, were against the... Read more

June 3, 2014

On a recent episode of the Reformed radio show “Christ the Center”, Professor at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia, Lane Tipton, discussed the differences between Lutheran and Reformed views of union with Christ and sanctification. According to Tipton, giving justification primacy in theordo salutis,(as in Lutheranism) necessitates a view of semi-Pelagianism. Only Calvinists can lay claim to Augustine’s anthropology. If justification precedes other soteriological benefits, regeneration must occur as a result of justification. If this is true, faith becomes a possibility... Read more

June 3, 2014

The question I get asked perhaps more than any other is regarding the first epistle of John. 1 John has often been used by Calvinistic preachers as a test of the genuineness of one’s faith. The mode of thought is this,“am I really a Christian? I am baptized, go to church, partake of the Supper, pray, etc. but none of this matters if I don’t have faith. Well how do I know if I have true faith? True faith produces... Read more

June 3, 2014

This fragment from Justin’s lost work “On the Resurrection” is one of the best statements on Christian apologetics that I have ever come across.“The word of truth is free, and carries its own authority, disdaining to fall under any skilful argument, or to endure the logical scrutiny of its hearers. But it would be believed for its own nobility, and for the confidence due to Him who sends it. Now the word of truth is sent from God; wherefore follow... Read more

June 3, 2014

“After the flesh [Christ] might be the son of David, who was the son of Abraham by a long succession; but according to the spirit Son of God, pre-existing with the Father, begotten before all the creation of the world, and at the end of the times appearing to all the world as man, the Word of God gathering up in Himself all things that are in heaven and that are on earth.So then He united man with God, and... Read more

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