There is no “God in the machine”

There is no “God in the machine” July 7, 2014

Cosmos as clock
Cosmos as clock

Because there is no machine.

Yes, you will not understand what I mean until I explain myself.  By this I am not talking about the plot device lampooned by Greek philosophers I am taking aim at Descartes, who talked about the human body as being machine-like, as distinct from the soul. That particular machine analogy was easily extended to the world at large (see here for more).

Rather, I assert that there is no God, or soul, in either of those “machines” because there are no biological or cosmological machines.

I will explain myself more a post tomorrow.  For now, I leave it at this: analogies are critical….

The creation we know is not God’s machine or technology, but His art – not so much like a painting, as C.S. Lewis said, but His living art – the distinct, unequal and beautiful (but diseased!  Sin…) partner with whom He dances, always animating and upholding her* .

More tomorrow…


*Yes, and particularly His treasured bride, the Church.

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