When The Depression Hits

When The Depression Hits February 27, 2022

When depression hits

Everything seems bigger

The dark gets darker

The night gets longer

The house seems messier

The World looks scarier

And my life feels lonelier

A molehill becomes a mountain

One I don’t much feel like climbing

My body feels weary

The burdens too heavy

Bed sounds good

Sleep would be nice


Sleep it off

Until my head hits the pillow

And my thoughts start spinning

What is wrong with me?

What is wrong with this World?

Why all this pain?

Why war?

How did we get here?

How will we get out?

Where is there to go?

Where is the hope?


Heavy Laden

Bearing burdens 

Carrying loads

Where is the relief?

Words begin to fill the space in my brain

The one little space that isn’t spinning

I can’t explain it

I just know it’s there


Come to me 

All you who are weary

And heavy laden

I will give you rest

My yoke is easy

My burden is light

Cast your cares on me

All of them


All of them?

I am big enough

The doubts

The questions

The deconstructing thoughts

The anger you feel

The fear and dread

Bring them to me

Throw them here

When it seems like no-one understands

I do

When you feel like it is impossible

I am

When you think no-one can love you

Pick me

I can

I love you

I’m here for you

I’ve got you

I am in you

You are in me

And in me you will find your hope

You will find rest for your soul

Soul rest


Thank you, Jesus

You are the giver of rest

Even in the darkest of nights

When all hope seems lost

And the thoughts spin

There is a space

Like in the eye of a hurricane

When the sadness swirls all around me

I can cuddle up in the truth

That you are near

When I focus on you

Talk to you

Set my face toward you

There in lies the rest

Rest for the soul

Soul rest

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