Angels among us

Angels among us December 21, 2010

The Redhead’s daughter finished her first term of college. To celebrate, we met in Bend for a bit of girl togetherness.

We did the usual sort of things. Shopped. Ate. Talked. Laughed. And laughed some more.

And when we tired of that, we took to the slope for a bit of an adventure. Miz B. pretends she’s a cowgirl.

While The Redhead’s daughter heads straight for the jump.

Miz Konnie who just come home from balmy Las Vegas makes easy work of the slope.

We weren’t smart enough to take lights with us but fortunately there was a full moon to help us find our footing.

The lightweight among us, Miz Shelby zipped down that slope and would have kept going straight across the street, had she not put the brakes on with her feet.

Some of us came down without benefit of the sled. Some quite by accident.

And some on purpose.

But lest you think I let all the younguns have all the fun

I got my fair of share of whooping and hollering in.

Wherever you are this week I hope you are making your fair share of memories.

And I hope you are ever aware of the angels in your midst.

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