Pole Dancing for Jesus

Pole Dancing for Jesus March 31, 2011

Lordamercy, she says shaking her head sadly.

Got a link to this from Susan Isaacs, who, far as I know, does not practice this.

That’s all I got to say about that.

Changed my mind. That isn’t all I have to say about this. Did you catch her comment about dancing to Contemporary Christian Music? That participants have to bring their church bulletins to get in.

“It’s just a continuation of worship,” she says.

But the most telling comment of all is the one she opens with: “To each his own.”


That is such a lie.

Our choices affect others, one way or another.

Christ didn’t teach us a message that says, “Do what you want. Don’t care about what others think.”

He taught us that the greatest gift we can give is to lay down our lives for each other.

The way we live out our faith matters. It matters to God. It matters to us. It matters to others. And if it doesn’t — then we ain’t living right.

You want to serve others, then become a mentor, feed the homeless, care for the orphan, listen to your child, be a friend to somebody, but in the name of Jesus, please keep your pole dancing private.

Okay. I’m done ranting.


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