Where I am from

Where I am from March 1, 2012

Editor’s note: The following was written by Konnie. I asked her if I could publish it here.

Where I am from…

I am from hot pink and Barbie.

I am from the three story purple house with a brilliant red door.

I am from the bright potted Gerber daisies on the front wrap-around porch with white-wicker rocking chairs.

I am from the Martin Luther King throw huge parties no matter what holiday it is, from the log-driving dad and the southern mama.

I am from the everyone tell the story at the same time and each time is different with more enthusiasm.

From the “stand straight chest out” and “yes ma’am no ma’am”

I am from the hymn singing Pacific Northwest Baptist with a little touch of Southern Baptist flavor.

I am from the logging country and heaps of mashed potatoes, steak and a little grease.

I am from the let’s take a van full of four children all under the age of 8 and a mama. Drive 5-days during the heat of the summer to the South until I reach the ripe age of 16.

I am from the mama and dad who taught family history and values. We have our quarrels with four siblings fighting for attention. However, we each carry each other through our strengths and weaknesses.

I am 27 years-old and not a day goes by that I do not speak to a sister, brother, mama or dad.

Family is what makes my blood flow.


And what about you?

Where are you from?





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