The Light We Need

The Light We Need September 3, 2014

I was just reading the latest column from my friend J. David Franks, who teaches at St. John’s Seminary in Massachusetts. He writes:

The world is dark. Our own hearts are dark. We have but one task: let the light penetrate us more deeply, and preach that the light is flowing down in starry cataracts. “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Mt 3:11), the fire of true and divine love. This love never ceases to bleed for the powerless, for the nameless victims of abortion and euthanasia, for the Iraqi Christians and Yazidis and females and all others brutalized by the terrorist state of ISIS, for James Foley and all others who lose their lives to report the truth, for all the poor being ground down by daily abjection the world over.

That’s better than any ending I could have written for this post I just hit publish on over at National Review Online.

I am reminded of Lumen Fidei — that work of four hands, two fathers: The light of faith illuminates everything.

May we be healed and strengthened by His Precious Blood.

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