Five Catholic Things Today that Caught My Eye Today (Tues., Jan. 13, 2015 edition)

Five Catholic Things Today that Caught My Eye Today (Tues., Jan. 13, 2015 edition) January 13, 2015

1. On the “heroic moment” of getting out of bed.

2. A tweet in continuity against evil:

3. Pope Francis was greeted by 40 elephants in Sri Lanka.

4. How to grow in Eucharistic devotion.

5. From St. Basil the Great:

Since we received a command to love God, we possess from the first moment of our existence an innate power and ability to love. The proof of this is not to be sought outside ourselves, but each one can learn this from himself and in himself. It is natural for us to want things that are good and pleasing to the eye, even though at first different things seem beautiful and good to different people. In the same way, we love what is related to us or near to us, though we have not been taught to do so, and we spontaneously feel well disposed to our benefactors.

What, I ask, is more wonderful than the beauty of God? What thought is more pleasing and wonderful than God’s majesty? What desire is as urgent and overpowering as the desire implanted by God in a soul that is completely purified of sin and cries out in its love: I am wounded by love? The radiance of divine beauty is altogether beyond the power of words to describe.

(Thank you, ibreviary.)

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