2. Fr. Steve Grunow writes:
The great revelation of the Lord’s Baptism is discerned, not in the reason that he accepts Baptism, but that in that moment something about God’s identity was revealed that was not fully known or even believed to be possible. The Baptism of Christ is the occasion when the Trinity is revealed- the Son makes himself known, the Father speaks, and the Holy Spirit descends. It is this mystery, the mystery of the Trinity, that brings the revelations or the theophanies of the holy season of Christmas to their fulfillment.
The lesson?
Remember Christians, you do not believe that God is merely an idea in your mind or a projection of your best self. God is not for you some unknown and unknowable force in the universe or a feeling that you contain in your heart. The one, true God has revealed himself in Christ as the Trinity- the mysterious communion of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a communion of Divine Love “in which we live and move and have our being.” It is this Divine Love that brought all into existence, and because of Christ, it is to this Divine Love that we will all one day return.
3. This tweet:
In Baptism, you were given new life in the Trinity. #homilytweet
— Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) January 11, 2015
4. Pope Francis continues his focus on the Holy Spirit, via Vatican Radio:
Noting that the descent of the Holy Spirit at Christ’s baptism in the Jordan is the sign by which the Lord begins His public teaching ministry, Pope Francis said, “We often pray to Jesus, we pray to the Father, especially when we pray the “Our Father” – but not so frequently do we pray to the Holy Spirit – it is true, no? – He is the Forgotten One.” The Holy Father went on to say, “We need to ask for His help, His strength, His inspiration,” explaining, “the Holy Spirit, who entirely animated the life and ministry of Jesus, is the same Spirit who now leads Christian existence, the existence of [every] man and woman who say they are and want to be Christians.”
5. A prayer from Saint John XXIII (from Prayers and Devotions):
You also, O Jesus, were immersed in the river Jordan, under the eyes of the crowd, although very few then were able to recognize you, and this mystery of tardy faith, or of indifference, prolonged through the centuries, is a source of grief for those who love you and have received the mission of making you known in the world.
Oh grant to the successors of your apostles and disciples and to all who call themselves after your name and your cross, to press on with the work of spreading the gospel, and to bear witness to it in prayer, suffering, and loving obedience to your will!
And since you, an innocent lamb, came before John in the attitude of a sinner, so draw us also to the waters of the Jordan. To the Jordan we will go to confess our sins and cleanse our souls. And as the skies open to announce the voice of your Father, expressing his pleasure in you, so, having successfully overcome our trial, when the day of your resurrection dawns may we hear once more in our innermost hearts, the same heavenly Father’s voice, recognizing us as his children.
6. A reflection from Adopt-a-Priest.
7. From St. Josemaria Escriva:
a child can look upon his father in many ways. We must try to be children who realize that the Lord, by loving us as his children, has taken us into his house, in the middle of the world, to be members of his family, so that what is his is ours, and what is ours is his, and to develop that familiarity and confidence which prompts us to ask him, like children, for the moon!
A child of God treats the Lord as his Father. He is not obsequious and servile, he is not merely formal and well mannered: he is completely sincere and trusting. Men do not scandalize God. He can put up with all our infidelities. Our Father in heaven pardons any offence when his child returns to him, when he repents and asks for pardon. The Lord is such a good Father that he anticipates our desire to be pardoned and comes forward to us, opening his arms laden with grace.
Christ is Passing By, 64A Christian knows that he is grafted onto Christ through baptism. He is empowered to fight for Christ through confirmation, called to act in the world sharing the royal, prophetic and priestly role of Christ. He has become one and the same thing with Christ through the Eucharist, the sacrament of unity and love. And so, like Christ, he has to live for other men, loving each and every one around him and indeed all humanity…
8. 15 minutes from Fr. Barron.
9. And something quicker from Scott Hahn.
10. This:
Stained glass from St Andrews of the Baptism of the Lord https://t.co/FasDIrKBEi
— Fr Lawrence Lew OP (@LawrenceOP) January 11, 2015
PLUS: #5 here is a bonus.