10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (May 29, 2015)

10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (May 29, 2015) May 29, 2015


2. From St. Gregory the Great in the Liturgy of the Hours today:

It is the wisdom of this world to conceal the heart with stratagems, to veil one’s thoughts with words to make what is false appear true and what is true appear false. On the other hand it is the wisdom of the just never to pretend anything for show, always to use words to express one’s thoughts, to love the truth as it is and to avoid what is false, to do what is right without reward and to be more willing to put up with evil than to perpetrate it, not to seek revenge for wrong, and to consider as gain any insult for truth’s sake. But this guilelessness is laughed to scorn, for the virtue of innocence is held as foolishness by the wise of this world. Anything that is done out of innocence, they doubtless consider to be stupidity, and whatever truth approves of, in practice is called folly by their worldly wisdom.

3. St. Ephrem the Syrian says don’t worship idols in your heart


5. A window into the life of a cloister in New Jersey.
Learn more about the Summit Dominicans in my interview with Sr. Mary Catherine Perry, O.P. here.

6. Pope Francis on what evangelization and catechesis need to air people in: “how to meet Christ, and what is the most consistent place to find him and follow him.”
From Dominicana: “the malice of Satan is not greater than the charity of God. Jesus is God’s perfect counter-offer, nothing less than the offering of himself.”





(By the way, have you met, Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P.? He’s a Dominican who tweets the Gospel. A Q&A we once did is here.

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