Meet Sister Sonia, Philly Catholic

Meet Sister Sonia, Philly Catholic September 23, 2015

Sr. Sonia Avi, originally from Peru, is a Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in Bensalem, Pennsylvania who works in faith formation and Hispanic ministry with a heart for immigrants. She is one of the Philadelphia Catholics ready to welcome Pope Francis when he arrives.

(I’ve met Carter over the course of the last year through my work with Catholic Voices USA, which he is a volunteer with for the World Meeting of Families.)

Q: Are you looking forward to the Pope in the U.S? Why?

A: Of course, I am! The Catholic Church could indeed benefit from a good amount of “Church energy”! Pope Francis’ uplifting and energizing presence could do just that for us.

Q: What is it about Pope Francis that seems to get people excited? Nervous, too!

A: Pope Francis’s electrifying personality has been showing God’s power to raise “the Lazarus” among us! Undeniable miracles have been happening ever since He took office. Pope Francis’ simple and people-centered ways of expressing and living out our Church’s teaching could indeed make a good many both excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because Pope Francis’ spontaneity and simplicity has literally turned our world upside down for JOY! And some could indeed be nervous because Pope Francis’ message continues to be compelling and inviting for all alike. …. Resurrection is indeed a most welcome reality!

Q: Why is the World Meeting of Families aspect of it so important to you?
A: Family has always been considered the “domestic Church” and as such, I believe this is an awesome opportunity for strengthening, renewing and revitalizing core aspects of church’s beliefs on family that unfortunately appear to have been altered / set aside/ forgotten without any regard for Church’s beliefs. Sadly, we have been too caught up in on ourselves lately and somebody has to help us “re-direct” our focus back to God again… Pope Francis can do just that!

Q: What would you love for him to know about life in Catholic Philadelphia? What would you want others, perhaps who aren’t Catholic or who have left the Church to know?

A: I would love for Him to see and rejoice in the wonderful sense of commitment, dedication and love that Philadelphia Catholics – those in the pews through thick and thin- have for their Church and also see our great sense of solidarity and service to God’s people – especially to the most vulnerable among us.
I keep praying for all to really see that Pope Francis is not only an awesome ambassador of God to the whole world but also the most human Pope our church has ever had. Francis’ message of forgiveness and redemption has got to bring both our hearts back to God and our faith communities together again.. I hope Philadelphia in general gets a good taste of the humanity –sinfulness included- of our Church and how it is O.K. for us to err and sin as long as our hearts and mind continue to be centered on our Lord. Sin’s goal, it seems to me, will make us humble in the end!

Q: Do you plan to see him?

A: Indeed I do! I not only plan to be at Independence Mall for his presentation to the Immigrant community present in Philly, the Festival of Families at BJ Parkway later that evening and the closing Mass on Sunday but I have also been invited to do a reading at the Mass Pope Francis will celebrate at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral on Saturday! The excitement is in the air here.

Q: What’s your prayer for him?

A: May the Lord continue to keep him healthy, happy and holy! May Pope Francis continue to place himself at God’s service faithfully and ever joyfully! May the whole world continue to be blessed by our God’s amazing love and great sense of humor so beautifully manifested in Pope Francis’ electrifying personality these days! And may we all come to really embrace and happily profess our beliefs in one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church together someday soon again and again.

Q: Why are you Catholic?

A: I sincerely believe we are one in God, we are holy because He loved us into being first, we are Catholic because I could not live this life – my life- alone and we are apostolic because I continue to draw my strength and joy from those who have gone before us ( the apostles, my father and family, sisters in my religious community, an so many others) in faith and service to our Church and God’s people as well! How could I not be a Catholic?

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