10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (Feb. 17, 2016)

10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (Feb. 17, 2016) February 17, 2016

1. From morning prayer today:

The image was during Eucharistic adoration at theFellowship of Catholic University Students student leadership summit in Dallas around the turn of the new year. A powerful time.


3. Today the Church remembers the founding of the Servite Order. I love this, from an account of that time in the Office of Readings in the Liturgy of the Hours today:

They loved God above all things and dedicated their whole lives to him by honoring him in their every thought, word and deed.

4. Something brief on them here from the Catholic Truth Society.
More here from New Advent.

5. Fr. Robert McTeigue on the loneliness of Lent:

Each one of us feels the sting of loneliness from time to time; some suffer from loneliness for a season; and it seems that some poor souls are afflicted by loneliness like a wound that refuses to heal. What a graced and fruitful Lent it would be if we lived the freedom and generosity needed to find and love Jesus compassionately suffering within us as we undergo our own passion of loneliness.
Why are we lonely? Because we are incomplete — made for friendship, love and fullness. Even at our human best we would be lonely, for there is a God-shaped hole in our hearts that cannot be filled in this life.
We are lonely because our culture is sick, teaching us to love things and use people, making idols out of creatures and objects in the hopes of beguiling our loneliness. Our culture urges us to be sexual cannibals, feeding on human flesh while denying the human soul that has been made for a divinely given satisfaction.
We are lonely because we may have pushed love away or locked love out. And we may be lonely just through circumstances — living in separation or alienation not of our choosing.
And within that lonely living we all endure, there can be found the compassionate Jesus, the Man of Sorrows, waiting for us. Lent is a privileged time to foster the freedom and kindness necessary to meet Jesus Who became broken to meet our needs. Let’s look for him and go to him, starting with the ache of loneliness of our own hearts. Let’s thank him for facing without reservation or regret our needs, pains and incompleteness. Through our prayer we can remind him that he is not alone in us; in doing so, we can find that we too are not alone. Such an amazing grace can become a source of endurance and hope, for as we stay with Jesus in his suffering, we may rejoice with him in his victory.

6. Responding to Christ – Fr. Roger J. Landry’s homily today.



9. A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.


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