This Is Sweet: Stratford Caldecott To Be Buried Beside His Hero J.R.R. Tolkien

This Is Sweet: Stratford Caldecott To Be Buried Beside His Hero J.R.R. Tolkien July 28, 2014

Last week I told you about the death of beloved Catholic author Stratford Caldecott of prostate cancer.

I love this story out of The Tablet today:

Stratford Caldecott, Catholic author and publisher, who died last week, is to be buried alongside his literary hero, J.R.R. Tolkien.

Earlier this month, before his family met the undertaker, the relative of someone buried in Oxford’s Wolvercote Cemetery allegedly attacked a tree on the edge of the Tolkien plot because it encroached on their land. The tree was uprooted, leaving behind a vacant double plot in an oversubscribed cemetery.

Tolkien’s writing inspired Caldecott’s conversion to Christianity….

It seems it was just meant to be.

Secret Fire - CaldecottCaldecott had, in fact written a book about Tolkien, Secret Fire: The Spiritual Vision of J.R.R.Tolkien.

Here, by the way, are some pictures of Tolkien’s gravesite.

Tolkien gravesiteTolkien gravesite 2


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